Nursing Services
Our highly skilled nurses provide the best quality of care. Each nurse is a gentle and caring person, with genuine concern for each patient. Our nurses address multiple complex issues including pain and contractor management, fall prevention and wound healing.
The following skilled nursing services can be provided:
- Individualized patient care treatment plans
- On-site Medical Director coordinates and improves medical services
- Director of Nursing oversees all aspects of health care within the facility
- On-site Nurse Practitioner who rounds daily
- IV Therapy
- Wound Care
- Enternal Feeding Programs
- Catheter Care
- Colostomy Care
- Off-Site Dialysis
- Ileostomy Care
- Nutrition and Hydration Programs
- Medication Management and Education
- Diabetic Management and Education
- Pain Management
- Skin integrity and wound management
- Weekly/monthly height and weight monitoring
- Bowel and Bladder Programs